Hi! I figured why not start a blog! I have MySpace & Facebook pages so wouldn't a blog be the next step? A few of my friends have blogs which I love reading. I love reading or learning about people.
People are my passion in so many ways! I have the heart to help people no matter what it is. In my profession I help people get into their new home or sell their home or even when they refinance. I am an Escrow Officer. What does that mean? I have a high stress job that requires me to be at the beck and call of tons of people during the day. I handle the final paperwork for real estate transactions along with disbursing the funds. Do I love what I do? I love meeting and working with people. Do I enjoy being "chained" to my desk? Not at all. Am I blessed from my job? Absolutely. Escrow has been a good field for me but it was the field I drove myself into. I drove myself thinking I needed to climb the corporate ladder and prove to the world that I can/could be someone. For many years I was told that I couldn't do this or that so I was determined to prove people wrong. I climbed this ladder and then jumped to that ladder for the next task only to wake up one day and realize that I have accomplished nothing except a beautiful house, a title with initials behind my name, two nice cars. But is this what God wants for me? I believe with all my heart that as I climbed to these accomplishments I kept my integrity and walked as the Christian I am but I was waking up empty. What is God needing from me? Where does he want me to go? Maybe staying in Escrow is it? Maybe it's not?
This past year and a half have really been life changing. A few years ago I was handling two closing transactions for a couple who were selling one home and buying another. I went into the room to sign the papers with them and there was something about them. Something warm, something genuine, something Godly. I remember going home and telling Mike (my husband) about these people. We happened to be "church shopping" and I typed in churches in Puyallup on the internet and about fell over. There they were...that couple I signed earlier! They were/are the pastor's of a church in Puyallup. The next weekend we went and "tried" the church or maybe the church "tried" us. We walked in and we were home! I grew up in church, and never have I ever felt like I belonged. This was it...we were home! Mike didn't grow up in church, in fact, church was still fairly new for him. He too felt home, warm, excepted. We couldn't get back the next weekend fast enough. The feeling/desire has never gone away. I have found friends like I have prayed about for many years, friends that are family, God like I have never felt Him before, the drive of my life instead of me. We have been involved since shortly after we started attending; we became head ushers. This was a huge step for Mike. He is the quiet one between us. Ushering has lead to many more doors opening. In the midst of all our growing I have felt lead, lead to the church, lead to work there, lead to be a leader, lead to help others, lead to offer a hug, lead to smile, lead to pray for someone, lead to step out of my box. This box the Lord has is not for me to decide and guide, it's about Him. It's about what plan(s) He has for me, for us.
Recently I was asked if I had any desire to work at the church. Are you kidding????!!!! Weeks later I was approached again and offered the opportunity to interview. Really? I don't have a spec of pastoral training. But I do have God! God is my training! Excitement filled my body along with nerves, confusion and peace. Where is God taking me? Yet who am I to question...God is in total control & I have faith. Faith that I can't always explain. I interviewed and am interviewing again at the end of this week. Am I excited? You bet! Am I nervous? You bet! Am I blessed? You bet! Am I faithful? You bet! I feel like God is taking me to a new place yet it's the people/passion thing. Hmmm, funny...it's a full circle. Is God taking me from one people/passion place to another? I don't know. What I do know is this week I will continue to be on my knees seeking God's guidance.
Wow! What an adventure you have ahead of you! I had no idea this was on your plate and I am excited to hear how things begin to unfold. And how cool that you started your blog to help us all stay updated! We'll definitely "follow" your blog and your story! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMichelle (and Mikey), thanks for "who" you are in Jesus. You, and your entire family, are a blessing to us. We hope only God's best for you. You are another person that I've encountered in recent weeks that God is dramatically reshaping/re-forming for His purpose. Just like Pastor Chad was talking about last weekend - revolution!! I'm excited to see what He has in store for y'all!!!