and it's not even over yet! The day started wonderful with snow on the ground and more falling. I LOVE the snow! It always makes me so warm and happy. After taking Shelby to school, which warmed my heart, 'cuz it's been awhile since I've had that opportunity I headed onto Seattle for work. As I was driving and talking on the phone (earpiece of course) I noticed my dash lights were dimming and before I knew it they were gone. Not just the lights but all the gauges too!! I pulled over onto the shoulder of the road. Luckily my conversation was with Mike. Good timing! Mike left work and came to my rescue! We were thinking it was a belt but turned out to be the battery. Do you think we had pliers that he needed....nope! Quick thinking I called my dad who happened to be in town last night on business. He carries everything and was only in Sumner (we on the side of the road were in Kent). Mike stayed with the truck waiting for my dad while I ventured onto work. LONG story short - they got it fixed! Those men in my life are so good!
So the head of the mortgage division, whom escrow falls under, is someone I think very highly of. When I gave my notice on Monday I thought I would hear from him, not that I expected him to come running over to my desk but you know what I mean, right? Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday went by and nothing. Hmmmm. Today he came up and shock my hand and said I didn't have an option to leave. I have a job description that does not include leaving. He told me how valuable I have been and have truly been a pleasure to work with. He said he knew he didn't ever have to worry about escrow because I was in the department. God and family are not things he could compete with so he wouldn't but if I ever wanted or needed to come "home" (as he put it) then to call him and I would be welcomed back. We hugged and for the first time I was brought to tears when it comes to this departure. Naturally after he walked away!!
I know that this departure is what I'm suppose to do. Are the tears due to sadness? I don't think so. I think it's because escrow is SO thankless. I am not one that needs constant praise and in escrow that is a good thing I guess because you don't get it at the drop of a hat. You learn to deal with it. When everyone else goes home, you are still there drawing docs or clearing title so things are as flawless as can be. Yet flawless doesn't seem to be a thing in the world of escrow. It's always escrows fault and it seems to be for everything. But to finally hear a thank you and it felt genuine means a lot. I have done a lot for this escrow company which I have done for others. The difference is - this one actually knows and appreciates it. What an accomplishment. I know the loan officers and processors I've worked with here appreciate my efforts but hearing it from up above warms my heart.
It's been an emotional day and yet the day isn't done. I still have a few more hours here at the office and a long commute home. Oh but tomorrow will be my last day for commuting!!! That is a blessing!
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